Honoraty citizens of Zelów

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The Town Council awarded 16 honorary citizenships:

  • 1991 - Riet and Hans Keller from Holland for the help for the Zelów Commune,
  • 1992 - Tina and Be Bosfeld from Holland for helping to organize summer camps for children of our commune,
  • 1993 - Carla and Arie Bosman from Holand for helping the Zelów environment,
  • 1996 - Franciscan Piotr Tadeusz Mielczarek for cocreating Polish church on western and northern lands,
  • 1998 - Bary Harwood from Norwich in Norfolk County for helping both personally and financially to develop Zelów Fire Brigade
  • 1999 - Robert Grudzień from radom for popularizing culture and promoting the Zelów Commune,
  • 2000 - Sinus Lefers from Neuenhaus, Sinus Hoppen form Osterwald, Max Hoppe from Neuenhaus for implementation of agreement between the Zelów Commune and Neuenhaus Commune Association,
  • 2001 - Jan Albert Schippers from Neuenhaus and Karl-Heinz Meyer from Neuenhaus for implementation of agreement between the Zelów Commune and Neuenhaus Commune Association and Priest Józef Stanek from his long-term priestly work in the commune and especially for his heroic posture in 1957 thanks to which many human beings were saved,
  • 2002 - Wiesław Ochman for popularizing culture and promoting the Zelów Commune,
  • 2007 - Zdzisław Tranda.